Friday, July 20, 2012

TGIF #100

Thanks for all your suggestions in my last post - I have decided to try two products to see which one my hair reacts to the best, The Moroccan and also Kerastase products. I'll keep you posted.

THANKGOD Its friday thats all I can say. My week has been full on yet fun I finished up my probation period - How quick has the last 4 months gone!? and and and also scored a promotion with a tiny winy pay rise - Yipee!

I picked up these rings from Lovisa the other week $5.00 Bargain

"Dance like no body is watching, Love like you've never been hurt and Work like you dont need money"

Ive always been one to share my things - Unforuntatly for D I have shared my cold from last week which I managed to shake off within 2 days - The poor kid is sick and we all know what happens when your house gets rocked by the man flu..! I do feel slightly bad. So I brought him a protein bar to cheer him up - It only worked for 5 minutes before he went back to complaining.

I had a reader contact me via email asking me about an Ebay Sale and if I had any coming up - Yes I do I've just moved house and have a 2nd room full of clothes that I need to sort out and either keep or chuck so I'll be having another haul shortly - I'll keep you guys posted.

Here's an outfit post from earlier this week.
I've really started trending with the leather look pants. Have you tried it yet?

I'm going to have a low key weekend - Finishing unpacking, eating food I shouldnt and watching SATC.

Happy Friday x


  1. I loooveee rocking the leather pant look! Comfy yet stylish - jeans feel so restricting these days :P

  2. Congrates on the promotion -- and that four months has gone so fast!

    Love the leather.. you're lucky you can pull it off.. I wouldn't even try it!

    look forward to seeing th ebay sale!


  3. I soo want to know what your thoughts are with the new hair products ! I've been wanting to try them but have been a little lazy with purchasing said items lol
    Oh - and double congrats to your payrise and getting your new apartment ! (I meant to say that earlier actually !).
    Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend, my weekend will be the complete opposite - I'm not sure how often I'll be home eeek ! lol

  4. Ooh you look lovely! Those leather pants look great on you, uhh I need to find a pair for myself too. Anyway, it sounds like your weekend will still be enjoyable xx

  5. Congrats on the promotion!

    Loveeeee those rings, especially at that price. You'd never know!

    Poor D... my boyfriend was hit with a case of the man flu last week, and honestly it was almost as hard for me having to put up with it as it was on him! Men! Haha Hope he is feeling better soon xx

  6. Hello! Great blog! The last post is very interesting and beautiful! Let's follow each other, if you agree, then let me know!)))

  7. Congrats on your little promotion! =D

    Love the leather pants. I tried to look for some with these sales, but i didnt find any =[ You look great!

    My weekend has been very low key too.


  8. wow those rings are incredible- very sentimental :)

  9. Love your blog! Also love your top with the leather pants! So hot & exactly what I'm looking for... Would love to know where you got it from??

  10. cool top :D i love basic black tops

    keep in touch :)

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