Sunday, November 11, 2012


Last Tuesday after 10 months of the boyfriend having his BMW I was allowed to drive it, now it doesn't sound like a big deal but this is a kid who has never let anyone drive his car before, he washes it daily, tells me each time I get into the car not to touch anything because "you'll get makeup on the doors" and "watch your heels on the door frames" hahaha. Yep its all true.


 We brought two tickets for the $100M last Tuesday but sadly only won $13.50 back. Not even enough to pay for our ticket haha! That much money would be enough to make me faint.

Elevator selfies at work.

Last week I did an online order with Target as they had below cost sales on. There is  a couple of things in life that I am a snob about and one is Lingerie, but I've never had any major issues with bond undies etc from Target so decided to stock up!

Just on a week later my haul arrived at work! I picked up 5 pairs of undies and then they also slipped in a "bridal" g-string which I think I will be sending back hahaha. Obviously mistaken my order.
I also picked up two bra's for  $15.00 I was pretty pleased with the quality so this puts my question out there - do you buy your bra's and undies from target? I think i'll keep an eye out from now on.

I was quick enough to snap this photo of the rainbow over the city on thursday night. 

I want to go a shade or two lighter for summer so am trying to work out a colour that I like so when I go to the hairdressers this week we can get a head start! My hair is pretty close to the "Dark Brown" if not even lighter on the ends, so I'm not sure if I should get a colour all over or just put some foils through the ends..

The next couple of weeks are going to be full on, Long story which I havent chosen to share on here D hasn't been well for the last couple of months and will need some surgery in the next couple of weeks. I have my mum coming to Melbourne tomorrow and spending the week with us as we will be in and out of dr appoitments this week so she will be here to.. cook, clean.. Hang out and then the week after Dims mum arrives, he goes in for surgery and then she will be staying for a week also. So it'll be a full on next two weeks. So If i'm not at work i'll be crawling into bed for exhaustion.

I've scheduled some posts in-case I dont get time to blog - I've been slack enough as it is!

On the plus side.. The weather this weekend was amazing.


  1. Yay about being allowed to drive his car. But how does he cope with parking it ya know at a supermarket car park? LOL wait till he has a kid in there.

    And I hope he recovers very soon!! xx

    1. Haha I've told him by the time we have children the coupe must go! He isnt too bad at supermarkets but he does tend to park it away from everyone else!

    2. HAHAH and you walk 2kms to the shop? LOL

      I'm imagining you climbing over the front seat to put the baby in. Not ideal! But I have also seen a porsche boxster with baby seat - Only at Doncaster!

    3. Now thats taking it to a whole new level..!! But you're right only at Doncaster!

  2. He washes the car DAILY??????

    Hope he feels better soon!!!

    You both have amazing parents. Hope you realise how lucky you are <3


  3. Haha! My friend has a 2011 BMW 3 series that I'M allowed to drive, and I'm only an L plater! LOL! It IS lovely, though being of manual preference, all I really had to do in it was point and steer :P

    That first comment makes me think of my Dad who parks his car SUPER FAR AWAY at the supermarkets and whatnot so no one parks near him. It's annoying.

    1. haha yep he is a little similiar in the supermarket car park, parks in a far away corner near no one! haha men hey!

  4. what is wrong with him????

  5. Wow I can't believe he washes his car daily! That's dedication!

    Love the YSL Arty :)

    1. haha it may not be daily but its def a few times a week :)

  6. Daily car washing? That's commitment. Don't think I have washed my car in a year, the rain doe it for me.

  7. Ohh your parents seem really nice. I hope it isn't anything too serious and that he gets well soon!


  8. I've bought Target undergarment attire in the past ! lol
    They were good and lasted for ages. I think as a girl we have tendencies to update our underwear draw more frequently, so it's ok to buy expensive ones and the less expensive sets - we need to justify it to ourselves that it's ok if they're on sale ;)
    I go between Mary Holland and Cotton On Body often ! haha

    I hope D goes well with the surgery and recovers in no time sweety !
    All the best xx

  9. Ps Forgot to say, I'm liking your new blogger layout ! :) :) :) xox

    1. Thanks love! I changed the header as I didnt like it! But its always good to freshen things up! xxx

  10. HAHAH! the make up and heels thing. I can feel that totally.

    But sorry to hear about poor D - I hope everything goes well or is going well xx

    - KK

  11. Sorry to hear about D and wish him a fast recovery.

    Yes, I buy all my undies and bras from target as I've bought from DJ's and Myer before and cannot tell the difference!

  12. Seems like it's been a minute since I was last here - when did you change the blog layout?? Looks really cute!!

    I'm so sorry to hear about D though, hope he gets better soon. I'll be praying for him (and you too).


  13. Sorry to hear about D. Hope all goes well with the surgery (I'm sure it will!) lovely to hear what caring families you both have x
