Monday, March 11, 2013


I love long weekends.
Saturday morning I went to get my hair done around lunch time, my re-growth was going nutters. I want to do something different for winter but I have no idea what!? I was thinking about doing the chop but the thought left my mind as quickly as it entered ha!

Do you change your hair in winter? If so shout out with some inspiration. My favorite part about visiting the hairdresser is catching up on all the trashy celeb goss! I do laugh at some of the stories that do get printed. If ever I was famous I would  run down the paparazzi with my car.

I have to admit, I'm really getting over this Melbourne heatwave.
The Boyfriend went to Fitx on Saturday and after my hair appointment I hit up some shops to see what else I could empty my bank account on. Luckily there was nothing that caught my attention but to ease the pain of the heat I did spend $10 at Orange Leaf.

I wish I had more exciting things to report for the long weekend but I used it to my advantage to eat food, stay in the air conditioning, clean up our apartment and watch movies.
Oh I also got around to making some room in my cupboard for upcoming Autumn pieces so I have decided to put a few items up for sale on e-Bay - ugh wish me luck.

We did head out to Bay Street yesterday for lunch and this Revlon shade was featured.

As I mentioned.. Spent most of my weekend in front of the TV under the air con.

The best part about long weekends - Waking up at 10am.

Happy Monday.


  1. U have gorgeous hair. Don't entertain the idea of cutting it!

    Sounds like your weekend was pretty much like mine, stay inside with the air con pumping hehe

  2. Do not CUT YOUR HAIR! I repeat! DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR! Weren't you trying to grow it out? SO DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR! Ha!

    Your weekend sounds industrious and staying in to watch TV with Air Con on is very productive.

    I haven't read a Gossip mag in soooooooo long. They used to be my guilty pleasures!

    (I am also secretly getting over this heat wave.. it feels very wrong to say that too lol)

    Hope you have been well Hol!

    - KK

  3. Oh I loved the long weekend... spent most of the time under the air con too! I'm hanging out for Thursday when the weather cools down!
    K x

  4. Hey hun what's your ebay account?

  5. I say cut it off. Change is good! Its easy to get in a hair rut.

    So gutted its the end of the long weekend. At least there are more coming up in a few weeks, woohoo.

    Far out, I'm so grateful that we shelled out for A/C in our house.
    I have grown mine and honestly am so happy that I can tie it up. Geez louise. Also what is the name of that Revlon lipstick. How good does it look!

  7. I love orange leaf! and all those frozen yogurt type places!! best invention ever.

    I gotta disagree with everyone saying they hate the heatwave...I LOVE IT! I know its a bit weird, but think about it - when we're all freezing in winter, we'll be wishing for some summer warmth. I'm enjoying it and soaking up every last ray of sunshine...I'm a summer baby :D
    .....except for the fact that I could hardly sleep last night cos it was so hot...but whatever.. thats what fans are for haha

  8. Is Orange Leaf froyo? I LOVE FROYO!!! Best $10 spent I think :)

    I know lots of girls that change their hair for the seasons but I'm not one of them ...I think it has to do with timing of cash flow! haha I do like to go lighter for summer though!

    What were you thinking of doing?


  9. The thought of going for the chop crosses my mind every now and then but I remind myself that every time I do it, I end up regretting it! So I promised myself that this year I won't be cutting my hair at all, except for trims.

    Long weekend sleep-ins are the best :)
