Thursday, April 26, 2012


Arrived at work at 8am - No server so I couldn't even logg on
Whatevers I went for a walk and brought a coffee - I tried to waste time but my coffee man downstairs whenever he see's me walking in he gets my coffee ready - Pronto and then follows on with "Holly,  Here is your coffee bella - have a great day!" So sweet.

Killing time
Everyone else arrived at work and STILL no Internet/Computer connectivity.
Normally I wouldn't care but I had two client interviews booked at 10am but couldn't even print anything! long morning passed by and after me and a colleague went to stuff our faces at a near by restaurant on southbank because we couldn't do anything! Finally at 2pm we could logg on and access our emails only to find out we couldn't make phone calls and or print anything lol!
But I had managed to get 67 new emails in my inbox.
I had had enough by that stage and walked into an interview with a candidate and said "Not gonna lie - I dont have your CV So I'm flying blind here" hahhah.. So bad but so true.

Day ended thank god - I was at the bus stop and saw this - Ive seen the trailer but really want to go see it - Good luck trying to get D to come along!

My dress arrived from mycatwalk tonight but I'm just not sold on it -I posted a photo of me wearing it on Insta and they even agreed and yes we fly out Saturday morning and I have NO time to buy anything and all of my clothes dont seem to make me feel attractive hahahah - typical girl answer.  So at the moment I have no idea but I do have a safe LBD that I can pull out if all fails.

When I get frustrated I organise things
I dont even know why I have a book on Paris or France - LOL the things I collect over time.
Whats your weekend plans?


  1. I'm dying to watch that movie too, looks hilarious. I think hubby would go with me only if I watch that Avengers movie with him.

  2. There is nothing worse then servers being down... So boring, the day just drags... I feel for you!

    That movie looks so good, you'll have to take a friend along if D wont go!

    I like your shelves :)

  3. Did you happen to make that book shelf? It's awesome! You should do a DIY if you did put it up yourself..

    Nominated you for Versatile Blogger Award btw :)

    1. Ess, I think it's an Ikea shelf but Holly will have to confirm...

      I don't have instagram, I want to see the dress :-P

  4. You have great clothes and beautiful dresses, just take a few options and before the wedding i'm sure something will feel good! PS - I had a hell day yesterday TOO! TWINS!

  5. Hello! I like the dress but I am quite certain you own other nice things too so I dont think you have an issue !

    I am off to your city !! woohoooo !!!

  6. Omg your bookshelves are amazing. LOVE THEM x
