Wednesday, June 27, 2012


If you havent already seen on my Insta Dim and I got our application for the apartment approved!
yeyeyeye I am super excited. We ended up paying a little bit more than we thought but we werent going to give up the apartment for what would be an amount of a cup of coffee!

I am THAT excited you couldnt even being to Imagine.

We have agreed on the week 9th July - We will do the move on the friday/weekend.
Me being me I wont start organisning anything until the night before :| ha! Easy thing is we wont need removal trucks or anything!  Super Easy!

I'll have to post photos soon!
Should I post photos once we've decorated and made it our own or just basic photos!?
Now the hassel comes to find new tenants for our house!

I picked up these Calvin Klein perfumes last night after work - How cute are they? I love having small perfumes that I can try before buying the real deal. Funny enough I'm not a huge CK fan.. Are you? If so what are your favourites?

New apartment - Woohoo!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Trawlling the supermarket last night in need of some bad sugar I stopped in the lolly isle, I can sometimes just get high off the smell of that isle - All the sugar and chocolate. True story I'm not much of a chocloate eater which I think I've mentioned before - I can have easter eggs sit there months on end and not even touch them but one weakness and I have it literally once a year is the Lindt chocolate - That is the bomb. So to kill my sugar fest I brought some Musk sticks! These are an all time favourite.

So our application for the apartment has been submitted and they are conducting references on us - probably as I type this! Im THAT excited I'm already visually decorating the apartment but then comes the hassel of finding new tentants for our place. - If any of my followers want a one bedroom apartment in port melbourne - Email me! Spread the word! Yell it out.. Actually no need really it'll be listed on soon enough!

How Cool is this!? I felt a little special I wont lie.

Oh and I still have love for the coffee machine - If you guys havent brought one get to Aldi. Some of you asked what the hot chooclate tastes like in my last post? Its good its not too sweet and its not boring either its in between, but one thing is dont press the same pod twice its too watery! but I've also discovered to Amalfi Coffee it tastes like coffee and Almonds - Its the bomb.

I kicked it at the gym on Monday night - I love the feeling of progress - being able to achieve that little bit more than you could the week before. Weightloss (Not much!) but I have noticed I've become more toned which is exciting!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Ive always been amazed by rainbows - Friday just before leaving work I snapped this baby from my desk - It was a nice touch to the grey sky that had been passing by ALL day! I had a client meeting booked in Camberwell for 2pm lets just say I couldn't contain my happiness when they called up to re-schedule, the last thing I wanted to do was be running around the city in fowl weather!

I've heard good things about ALDI but I've never shopped there before - then I got wind on their espresso coffee machines, we'd been stalking the south Melbourne store for a few weeks now but they've never had any in stock, we dropped by on Friday night and totally excited they had them in stock! - Woo. We picked up the coffee machine and the milk frother.

Its actually tastes SO good - The hot chocolate is my favourite so far! $6.99 for 16 Pods!

Does anyone have a Onesie? I really want one but I know that I wont be allowed to have one, they look so comfy and obviously not something I'd wear to the supermarket (or would I?!) HAHA I could totally snug up in one of these!
Instead I've been keeping warm w slippers.

Now for the exciting news!!

Long story cut short we got talking to our neighbor (literally 2 apartments down our hallway!) and she is MOVING to Sydney as of 2nd of July  - She invited us in to have a look at her place as D mentioned we are also looking to move (My mind flashing back to the amount of clothes, and shoes that I have over flowing in our small apartment!) - We walked into her apartment and Wallah! This place is HUGE her lounge and dining area is double the size of our lounge, kitchen and bedroom. It has two bedrooms with built in robes and a window in one bedroom w city views! The bathroom oh yes the bathroom is amazeballs it has a bath + shower and it is HUGE I do have moments of guilt now where I look around our apartment I have the main wardrobe, and D has 1 draw out of the 4, In the bathroom my makeup and toiletries take over - so needless to say we both looked at each other and had one of those "B1 and B2 - Are you thinking what Im thinking!" moments.

At the moment the house hasnt been listed for new tenants as yet and our neighbour gave us the real estate agents details so we will call him first thing tomorrow! I am SO excited.
Have your fingers crossed!


Friday, June 22, 2012


Its official - Im moving to Queensland. Ok well I'm really not but I feel like it! The weather here has been shocking, Freezing, wet and cold and in true melbourne style the umbrella has been out!

Do you see that!?
Thanks for all the breakfast suggestions in my last post I have decided now that I have dived head first into my fitness I really need to start working on a good start breakfast. I'll be buying some oats, honey and dried fruit over the weekend and making a oats mix!
I am keen to buy a new blender since I smashed our last one when we moved house (Yes, Tragic!) I miss being able to make up my own juice and creations..

Speaking of creations - Is nutella not to the most amazing thing you have ever come across on wednesday night after the gym (which I might add I slogged myself out!) I got back to our apartment and popped open this jar of nutella - Pointless going to the gym right? But I have a weakness and it comes in a jar.
Whats your favourite foods to make w nutella? My boyfriends mum makes these biscuit rolls w nutella inside - Oh god drooling just thinking about it!

Moving on..
Now my locks are starting to get long again I want to try Ombre. People have mixed opinions on this style but personally I love it! At the moment my hair is somewhat two toned  the ends are a different colour to my roots nothing dramatic but just a lighter brown from all the colouring over the years. I came across this photo lastnight and fell in love!

Do you think its too risky?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Yep. I have that song stuck in my head! As most of you would all know especially if you live in Melbourne but if not it was the biggest trend on twitter and plastered all over facebook lastnight that Melbourne had an earthquake! We were sitting down having dinner when the table started to move I actually thought it was D shaking the table aha until I realised.. No! It lasted about 40 seconds

I poked my head out of our apartment door and all neighbours where doing the same thing.. The lady next door had her TV fall off the wall and smash!
Lucky we didnt get any damage.

10.30pm rocked around lastnight and instead of being at home curled up in bed I was at the supermarket we had three things on our list to get
- Peanut Butter

Until Dim decided he wanted to count calaories on the back of the Oats packet and see which one he preferred - which is my next question

What do you have for breakfast!?

Monday, June 18, 2012


I brought a pair of leather pants from Bardot a couple of weeks back but never thought about actually wearing them (This happens with most of the new additions to my wardrobe) but on Friday night as I stood looking at my clothes I thought "Ooh..lets try these!' D looked at me weird but he usually thinks alot of the clothes I wear are weird.

and I paired them w these boots

I dont really like the platform in them but I gave in and brought them because they are swede and leather, which are two of my favourite things in the world.

I met up with a fellow blogger Sophie  on friday night who was staying at her friends house - who is practically my neighbour when I arrived I had the famous Tommi play with my hair 80's style - watch out! Apparently this kid won the best hair dressing award for blowwaves in 2010, 2011 and 2012?

D was excited because he could finally get rid of the clock "that ticks" which I brought only a few weeks ago, I thought all of my dreams had come at once when he said to me "Lets go to IKEA" the words I thought would never come out of his mouth, I was impressed at his efforts we managed to pick up some goodies the clock "that doesnt tick. He was so proud.

  A new lamp for the bedroom, New laundry baskets (Mines Red & White) and his is (Black and White) - Thats how we roll. We also brought a new vase - D always said the reason why he doesnt buy me flowers is because we dont own a vase, when I pointed out that we now own one and he can buy me flowers he responded with "I'll buy you a fake one, that way it will never die and I wont need to buy you more" - Hmm.

Saturday night we went out to get some dinner and the rain hit melbourne, so we canned our plans and made a night of staying in, movies and bad food.

Dim and his greek nose
I posted this photo on Fb and one of my friends said we look like brother and sister
Which is just weird.

In other news..
I purchased some MAC foundation from MYER on friday during my lunch break - so far so good it has way better coverage than Estee Lauder - and I feel it matches my skin alot more.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Thursday night after work me and 2 girls from work went to MYER after getting excited over the stock take magazine all day.. I think we walked so fast to MYER than we'd ever walked before - Legit.

We hit up the basement first and I finally found a new winter jacket after searching and searching for something that I actually like! I ended up buying a Tokito black knee length coat with silver/black buttons (Its actually in the catalouge)  I wanted a size 6 because it would of sat better but I left with an  8 hahah I wasn't leaving without that jacket!

I loved this - Word!

As you guys know I am looking at changing my foundation so we hit up Chanel, YSL and Mac in the makeup section and got a foundation match done by MAC - They sent me away with a sample - the gay guy did my makeup and he wasn't even pushy at all - Love it! He told me mac foundation was about $45-ish - I was expecting it to be alot more??

By around 7pm we had moved upto level 2 haha we totally by passed the designer level, I instantly fell in love with this bag by wayne cooper - it was $119 down from $290 I was so tempted but resisted.. I turned the corner and then fell in love with this baby!!

This photo doesn't do the bag any justice -nor did insta haha! but its a gorgeous soft black leather bag with one side of those quills and the other side is plain, it has gold buckles and a gold tag on it - Its by Fiorelli (I'd never been attracted to their style before!) I should of brought this as it was $89 marked down from $190 but I walked away.

I thought I should buy these - Named after me .. for me!
Didnt think the Boy or the Bank account would be too impressed!

Whats the most you've ever paid for a pair of shoes!?

The end to my night came smack bang as we left the MYER around 8.30 We jumped onto the tram outside MYER and we where only going on stop as one of the girls was still wearing her heels and her feet were killing it - so we trammed it.
I got on and the first MYKI reader the screen was scratched so instead of standing in the door way blocking it we moved down the tram I had my two bags from MYER so walked down to put them down next to my friend who got us a seat I turned around to walk back to swipe on with my MYKI and this plain clothed officer gets up produces his little badge and asks if I have "swiped on" I looked at him and replied "that's what im about to do" and he turns around and says "It's an offence to ride the tram without swiping on and or off"so.. You guessed it.

I have a $180 fine coming my way - which I plan to appeal because its utter rubbish.
Don't even get me started on these guys.. I have no words!!

Long weekend - yey!
Whats your plans?

Thursday, June 7, 2012


The title of this states when I started to write this post - BUT because of my crazy week Its now Thursday and not monday, but nevermind. The weekend was full of fun adventures.. Saturday D was working so I hit the gym again on Saturday morning, went to the supermarket after and brought so much healthy food that I felt weird about going through the checkouts with it all haha! I brought us a new wall clock which D soon removed because he decided he cannot live with a "ticking" clock. (Men!)

Random tree trunks & the boy.
Sunday morning we went to an open house which is already in our apartment block, good price and nice apartment too! But we arent ready to whack down a nice healthy deposit - Dont you wish money grew on tree's?

Afterwards we decided to go and have a look at a Vacumn shop on Bay Street

After a very exciting performance by the man at the vacumn shop we decided we would go away have a think about it and then make a decision - In the mean time we drove to Brighton to have a look at the Goodguys and see what they had on offer - we arrived at 4.30 and they where closing at 5pm - Yep we basically stood there until the lights started to turn off and we still couldnt make up our mind, we found ourselves driving back to Port Melbourne in Ds BWM to purchase the first vacum we saw first. - God help us when we make an IMPORTANT decision like - ah buying a house!

My week has been FLAT out with work I kid you not! D said I should hire a PA to make my life alot easier - any takers??

I have been hitting the gym rather serious since I got the motivation bug and have been keeping track of whats happening with the Fitness Pal App on my iphone! I seriously recommend downloading it

Im good with my protein levels but I want to cut our more fat.
What I love about this App is it tells you how your tracking an what you can do to improve etc - It says that im not eating enough carbs - Hmm.

Im heading to the MYER stocktake sale tonight with the girls from work - I have a $100 Gift Voucher and I have plans to buy a new jacket - I saw one from Miss Shop and want to give it a go! Otherwise I'm going to hunt down some new makeup.

Have you been to MYER yet or will you!?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Small Steps

Thanks for the motivation tips in my last post - But considering I dont have a wedding to prepare for, no holidays coming up that I need to get in shape so I can show case my new bikini etc.. I decided to just bite the bullet and get back into it.

Thursday night I hit the gym! haha 30minutes of cardio sprints/jogging intervals, 10 minutes of weights and then I successfully died. The next morning my bum didn't hurt as much as I thought it would so I figured it didn't train as hard as I thought, until I got told by alot more than one person the pain kicks in the 2nd day after your work out, which would explain today hahah I felt like a cripple!

Lastnight after work I caught up w a friend at Left bank for cocktails & Tapas!
Then we hit up MYER - Im still on the hunt for my new winter jacket and yes I realise that Winter has already come! I did pretty well considering that was the first time it was the first time I'd been in MYER since my shopping ban was lifted - I brought some more perfume

I wanted to buy a new foundation but I've decided that I want to change from my Estee Lauder double wear, I love it but I've found that its probably a bit too heavy for my skin - I've had no break outs since using it but I feel I want a change - I know I've already asked this before and you've all told me what foundation you use - So I've narrowed it down to two

I'd love your help?