I managed to get around and put a few bits and pieces on e-Bay its not healthy to have a 2nd (Which was meant to be out spare room) full of clothes and never wear them! So I started listing a few items last night. I find it so painful haha.
Knock yourself out.. I'll be listing some items coming this week as I think D is about to make me move out because he cannot access the 2nd bedroom and drives him nuts.
Quiet frankly I think its fine.
of fashion.. The brownlows where on tv last night I made sure I was home in time
to watch it. Just putting it out there Rebecca Judd really needs to eat
something! She almost looks straight besides the odd bone poking out - dont get
me wrong I think she is absoultey stunning but someone please give her a
always provides me with a laugh - she is one in a million with what comes out of
her mouth and what she wears. I know she comes out with some cray outfits but I
think lastnight she took the cake - She also looked like she felt uncomfortable
while being interviewed.
I thought the red carpet this year wasnt that spectacular I was so thankful they didnt make the girls stand on that horrid spinning circle like last year but I didnt think there was anyone was looked amazing - Who do you think looked the best?
The weather has been so nice this week and I've been hearing rumors that thursday is meant to be 27 degrees? I dont have alot of faith in this afterall I do live in Melbourne but hey I'll take it.
I am addicted to Ice-Tea espeically in summer I actually brought one with my lunch today.
It was perfection.